• 2024.7.14-18
    Mr. Kazusuke Harada (M2 student) presented at the international conference GECCO2024(The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference).

  • 2024.6.30-7.5
    Mr. Yossathorn Tianrungroj (Graduate master student) presented at the international conference WCCI2024(The IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence @ Yokohama, Japan).

  • 2024.6.30-7.5
    Mr. Zhen Liu (Graduate master student) presented at the international conference WCCI2024(The IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence @ Yokohama, Japan).

  • 2024.3.22
    Mr. Kazusuke Harada has been awarded the Best Paper Award (@ Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo).

  • 2023.12.22-23
    Mr. Liu Zhen has been awarded at Evolutionary competition in Evolutionary Computation Simposium 2023 (@Odawara, Japan). Received the "Industrial Application Special Award" in the single-objective category and the "Silver Award" in the multi-objective category.

  • 2023.12.22-23
    Six students (Yossathorn Tianrungroj, Ruka Mizukami, Liu Zhen, Daiki Daiki, Kurokawa, Ryohei Harada) presented at Evolutionary Computation Simposium 2023 (@Odawara, Japan).

  • 2023.10.1-4
    Haruka Kobayashi (Master student, 1st year) presented at the international conference SMC2023 (The 2023 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics@Hawaii,Honolulu).

  • 2023.10
    "AI游戏开发和深度学习进阶(機械工業出版社)" has been published by Prof. Hitoshi Iba. This is the Chinese version of his Japanese book "ゲームAIと深層学習, 伊庭斉志(オーム社)".

  • 2023.7.12
    A paper co-authored by Masayuki Fujita (master course, 1st year) received the Best Paper Award at the international conference AAI2023. Paper Title: Masayuki Fujita and Hitoshi Iba: "CT Reconstruction from X-ray Videos with Conditional GAN Image Translation," 12th Int'l Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, 2023.

  • 2023.7.15-19
    Jinglue Xu (PhD student, 2nd year) presented at the international conference GECCO2023(The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference).

  • 2023.7.1-5
    Rikitaka Konoyam (Graduate master student) presented at the international conference CEC2023 (IEEE 2023 Congress on Evolutionary Computation @ Chicago).

  • 2023.7.10-13
    Four students (Masayuki Fujita, Shunsuke Katayama, Ryu Shin, Takuki Kurokawa) presented at the international conference AAI2023(12th Int'l Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics).

  • 2023.3.23
    Degree conferment ceremony was held.

  • 2023.1.16
    Prof. Iba has started a series of articles on research about artificial life for TechNote (, a BtoB information site for those involved in manufacturing and urban planning).

  • 2022.12.17-18
    Four students (Rikitaka Kinoyama, Shunsuke Katayama, Ryu Shin, Takuki Kurokawa) presented at Evolutionary Computation Simposium 2022 (@Sapporo, Japan).

  • 2022.12.2
    A delegation from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including Dr. Ahmed Jamil Qattan, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Building and Housing, paid a visit to our laboratory.

  • 2022.9.20
    Prof. Iba's new book has been published.「Unity シミュレーションで学ぶ人工知能と人工生命-- 創って理解するAI--, 伊庭斉志 + MIT/MindRender開発グループ(オーム社)」

  • 2021.7.12
    A paper co-authored by Rikitaka Kinoyama (master course, 1st year) received the Best Paper Award at the international conference AAI2021. Paper Title: R. Kinoyama, E. A. M. Perez, and H. Iba: "Preventing Overfitting of LSTMs using Ant Colony Optimization," 10th Int'l Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, 2021.

  • 2018.1.24
    Takahiro Horiba (master course, 1st year) received the IEEE Young Researcher Award (IEEE YRA). This is the third consecutive year that our laboratory has received this award.

  • 2017.1.24
    Feng Ji (master course, 2nd year) received the IEEE Young Researcher Award (IEEE YRA). This is the second consecutive year that our laboratory has received this award.

  • 2016.12.5
    Prof. Hitoshi Iba received the 25th Okawa Publishing Award from the Okawa Foundation for Information and Telecommunications.【Book title】「進化計算と深層学習―創発する知能―」(オーム社刊)


  • Farewell party(March, 2023)

    Farewell party(March, 2023)

  • 研究室での飲み会(新人歓迎会, 2022年10月)

    Drinking party at the laboratory (welcome party for newcomers, October 2022)

  • 研究室での飲み会(新人歓迎会, 2022年10月)

    研究室での飲み会(新人歓迎会, 2022年10月)

  • 研究室での飲み会(新人歓迎会, 2024年4月)

    研究室での飲み会(新人歓迎会, 2024年4月)

  • たこ焼きパーティ(卒論打ち上げ,2023年2月)

    Takoyaki party (launch of thesis defense, February 2023)

  • たこ焼きパーティ(卒論打ち上げ,2023年2月)

    Takoyaki party (launch of thesis defense, February 2023)

  • 研究室での飲み会(新人歓迎会+お別れ会, 2023年4月)

    Welcome and Farewell parties(April, 2023)

  • 会社の方々との飲み会(@御徒町,2024年2月21日)


  • 会社の方々との飲み会(@御徒町,2024年2月21日)


  • 卒業生Topon Kumar博士来訪(2024年7月16日)

    卒業生Topon Kumar博士来訪(2024年7月16日)

  • お別れ会の後の花見(2023年3月@上野)

    Hanami after farewell paty(March, 2023@Ueno park)

  • 研究室での有志の旅行(@京都,2022年11月)

    Research lab trip (@ Kyoto, November 2022)

  • 研究室での有志のスキー旅行(2023年1月)

    Ski trip of the lab (January 2023)

  • AAI2023でのディナー(2023年7月)

    Dinner after AAI2023 (July, 2023)

  • SMC2023のディナー(2023年10月)

    Dinner at SMC2023 (October, 2023@Honolulu)

  • ECF2023のディナー(2023年10月)

    Dinner at Evolutionary Simposium 2023 (December, 2023@Odawara)

  • 会社の方々との飲み会(@御徒町,2024年2月21日)


  • 会社の方々との飲み会・2次会(@上野,2024年2月21日)


  • Dinner at WCCI2024 (July, 2024)

    Dinner at WCCI2024 (July 2024 @ Yokohama)

  • (@GECCO2023, Lisbon)

  • (Prof. Silvaと@GECCO2023, Lisbon)

  • (Prof. Miikkulainen@GECCO2023, Lisbon)

  • With French Ambassador (@French Embassy, JFFoS)

  • With Dr.Ahmed Jamil Qattan (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

  • Visit of a delegation from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • CEC (@SFO)

  • CEC

  • Dinner at ICARIS (@Sicilia)

  • Farewell Party for Claus

  • Farewell Party for David

  • GECCO (@Chicago)

  • GenerativeArt (@Milano)

  • JFFoS (@Tokyo)

  • Kashiwa Open Campus

  • Kashiwa Open Campus

  • Open Campus (@Kashiwa)

  • With Porf.Kew-Soon Ong and Prof.Kay Chen Tan

  • With Prof.Bob McKay (@Seoul)

  • With Prof.Byong-Tak Zhang

  • With Prof.Lee Spector

  • Drink party with Prof. Lee Spector

  • Prof.Lee Spector's visit

  • With Prof.Nikolay

  • With Prof. Wolfgang (@GECCO in Las Vegas)

  • With Prof. Wolfgang (@GECCO in Chicago)

  • With Prof. Yao (@CEC in Honolulu)

  • RSJ (@Gifu, Japan)

  • SEAL (@Melbourne)

  • SMC (@Tucson)

  • Trip at CEC in Seoul,Korea

  • Trip at GECCO in Las Vegas

  • Trip at ICARIS (@Sicilia)

  • Welcome Party

  • Genome Team Meeting

  • Genome Team Meeting

  • Genome Group Study Session

  • With Nobel Laureate (Dr. Kobayashi @JFFoS)

  • At the Embassy of Finland

  • Artificial Intelligence Research Exchange Meeting

  • At Kohzima (@JSAI, Miyazaki, Japan)

  • Year-end party

  • Closing of the year-end party

  • With members of Ishikawa National College of Technology

  • Visit from Ishikawa National College of Technology

  • Laboratory trip (@Kobe)

  • Laboratory trip (Part 2)

  • Laboratory trip

  • Symposium on Evolutionary Computation

  • Evolutionary Computation Frontier Workshop (@Hokkaido)

  • Visit trip by the Department of Electrical Engineering

  • Trip to Korea

  • Drinking Party with Dai Nippon Printing

  • 金融研究グループでの飲み会

    Drinking Party with Finance Research Group